Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The second American revolution has begun

The second American revolution has begun.  This blog entry is an act of love from me to you.  It is my desire to focus your attention upon a matter that may save your life and your family.  For over 25 years,  I have been researching this topic at great length and with keen interest.  In the past 15 years the changes in our society have escalated in a negative direction.  Relentless losses have brought us to our knees, broken, terrified,  hopeless.  Our Government has failed us on every level.  The "lawmakers" in whom we have placed our trust have betrayed us in a global sense.  

Decade after decade we have enabled utter corruption and whined about it while doing nothing. Yes, We Voted for it.  Sanctioned it!   Until we discovered that we are, collectively,  dead broke.   Rich or poor without a monetary system it becomes a level playing field for all.  Think about that.  

Suddenly, "all the candles are lit" inside our heads.  Awakening from a long nightmare of ignorant captivity, and stimulated by the revolutions happening world wide the Vanguard of a New America is forming by people unable to feed or shelter themselves or their families,  jobless, without health insurance or a sustainable lifestyle. The "last straw" for a once fiercely independent nation.  

My father once said:  "You can argue a man's politics,  you can curse his religion, you can sleep with his wife, but if you touch him in the pocketbook, he'll kill you for it."

This valuable resource may help you better understand the magnitude of what is at stake in this second American revolution. Links are provided below.  I have curated this article to include several powerful points herein.  There is so much more help and information therein.  See what you think for yourself.

"(NaturalNews) There's a sense of desperation in America today. Their jobs are being exported out of the country, their health insurance is being dropped by employers, their dollars are becoming increasingly worthless with each passing day and their futures don't look very promising. They're angry, frustrated and desperate, so they take to the streets and protest. Occupy Wall Street! Occupy The Fed! Take to the streets!

It's the right thing to do, but what most protesters -- and nearly all Americans -- don't fully grasp is that nearly every powerful institution is a criminal racket. It's not just Wall Street that's operated like a criminal mob, folks: It's the U.S. Congress. It's the health care industry. It's conventional agriculture, the mainstream media, the processed food manufacturers, the government regulators and of course the entire military industrial complex.

Nearly everything around you is a criminal operation. The banks openly steal your homes while laundering money for global drug lords. The U.S. government runs illegal guns into Mexico while allowing cocaine and heroin back into the USA to be sold at pumped-up black market prices. The mainstream media broadcasts outright lies and complete fabrications as if they were fact. Much of modern medical "science" is complete quackery or fiction, funded by corporations for the purpose of expanding corporate power. The local water supply is intentionally contaminated with toxic poisons known as "fluoride," and the local food supply is tainted with other dangerous chemicals like aspartame, MSG and BPA".

"The EPA openly allows deadly toxic chemicals to be dumped into the environment (like mercury fillings from dental offices). The CDC actually promotes complete falsehoods about infectious disease in order to scare people into thinking everybody needs to get vaccinated. And then the vaccines are intentionally contaminated with live viruses in order to spread disease and make the CDC look even more important! (

Meanwhile, the President is actively destroying the economic base of America, aided by feds who threaten business owners like Gibson Guitars which are only trying to manufacture quality American-made products. The purpose of all this? To destroy America's economy from the inside out. It is intentional. It is being engineered. The U.S. economy is supposed to collapse by design, get it?"

Beyond the economy alone, the entire "war on terror" is a complete and utter hoax, having been fabricated from the very start by government insiders. From 9/11 to present-day terror, it has all been a pathetic and cowardly string of fabrications and staged events for the sole purpose of destroying freedom in America."
Join the revolution
"This is why I invite you to join the revolution in whatever constructive way you can. Now is the time to make your voice heard, just as all those protesting right now are doing.

My only bit of wisdom to pass along in this regard is to make sure it's your OWN voice and don't let yourself be played by some organized globalist agenda that now wants to hijack the protests for their own nefarious purposes.

The essence of freedom is LIBERTY, honest money, private property rights and a system of law that applies to everyone.

YES, the globalist bankers are crooks. They probably deserve to be strung up in a public square somewhere, but even such actions should never be taken without due process and a proper trial. What's really wrong with America today is that the criminal elements are running the show, from the White House to Wall Street. And it's time the People demanded that EVERYONE abide by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. After all, didn't the President swear to protect it when he became President? So why does he now selectively ignore it?

The revolution happening right now is a revolution borne out of frustration, and although it seems to lack focus in the mixed messages heard on the street right now, it will soon coalesce into a call for justice and an end to the systems of tyranny that dominate the American landscape today.

The transition out of freedom and justice will be fraught with violence, I fear, and there will soon be Martial Law declared across our land. Be prepared for what's coming, and have no illusions that the second American revolution is now at our doorstep. I only ask: What will you do with this opportunity? Will you stand for liberty and justice when it really counts?

Keep reading NaturalNews for more coverage of all this. And if you want to learn the latest preparedness information, I've just released a new course with Daniel Vitalis called The Surthrival Series ("

The second American revolution has begun.   Be Prepared is the message that is loud and clear in this article. Please do read it's entirety by clicking the link below:

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