Monday, January 9, 2012

Meditation of Today Nature's Gift of Inspiration

I'm sitting here in the mountains of Northern California, on a clear, bright, sunny and breezy day with a 60 degree near perfect temperature.  The canyon below my house is alive with sunlight and glowing pine needles shiver on the trees that forest my view, as far as the eye can see.  I am happy and grateful to be alive. 

 "I Am Sending Light to All of You.  And Love in a Great Big Cosmic Tidal Wave".  

That's the WOW! factor of how it is to live here, feasting on the magnificence of nature, inspired by those very thoughts and feelings all the time.  

And, tapping into, what I call, "Incredible Mind", that transcendent state of Being inspired by Nature where Light touches all and heals all.  

All I can think is, wouldn't it be wonderful if somehow everyone could experience that same blissed out state of beingness, and find it so desirable, and powerful, that it shifted the consciousness of all in this world?  

What would it be like to be truly Whole again?  To feel truly Alive?  To realize world peace.   A clean slate?  

I am left with interesting questions to ponder from this Meditation with Nature today.   

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