Saturday, October 8, 2011

Prayer and Spirituality

Prayer and Spirituality.  The use of prayer for healing is a vital principle of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Even in a non-theistic religion such as Buddhism, prayer is important in healing.  

"Prayer is an act of communication with God or the Absolute. The spiritual beliefs of the person praying influence how the Absolute is perceived. For some, the Absolute is known as the Great Goddess. Others experience the Absolute as God, Allah, the Tao, the Universal Mind, Brahma, the Void, or a myriad of other forms. Spiritual, or faith, healing is the relief of illness through some type of religious belief system held by the sick person or by someone praying for them."

"Perhaps the two most obvious benefits of faith healing is that the cost is minimal or zero, and that it involves no medications or medical devices. The medical, scientific, and religious communities almost unanimously agree that the human mind has a tremendous amount of untapped potential, including the power to heal physical and emotional ailments. A person’s faith has a strong influence over his or her sense of well-being, ability to fight disease, and desire to get well, according to many researchers.
Prayer and other spiritual approaches can be particularly beneficial for people with stress-related disorders. Dr.Herbert Benson reports that meditative prayer can ease anxiety, mild depression, substance abuse, ulcers,pain, nausea, tension and migraine headaches, infertility, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), insomnia, and high blood pressure.
Prayer also plays an important role in helping people cope with difficult circumstances such as chronic illness and death. Prayer offers new meaning, purpose, hope, and a sense of guidance or control. These perceptions may help instill a fighting spirit, which has been reported to be an important factor in healing. Prayer can enrich the quality of one’s life and also bring a feeling of peace and acceptance at the time of death. In addition, being part of a religious community can benefit patients by counteracting the social isolation that many sick people experience. Visits from friends or their spiritual leader are reminders that they are still part of a faith community and the larger human community."

"Spiritual healers in less structured traditions may be certified through a school of energy healing, recognized within a particular religious group for their healing aptitude, or initiated into healing by another means. Native American healers have formed the Indigenous Traditional Healing Council to provide certification for healers as well as to protect the integrity of Native American healing rituals. Many other healers develop their healing gifts on their own. Any caring person can develop a certain amount of healing ability through meditation, prayer, study with other experienced healers, and practice. There are many self-help books on prayer and meditation, but personal guidance is usually helpful to learn the subtleties of any approach to healing. Churches and other religious centers usually offer spiritual direction through prayer, meditation, or study."

Prayer and Spirituality.  A truly excellent study on the relationship of prayer and spirituality to healing.  The bottom line of this blog.

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