Spirituality: You're not always right -but neither are your critics. One of the most effective ways to get a message to a person is to tell a story about the "subject" in hand. This is a helpful and instructive article.
" The sergeant sat in my office, crumpled under the criticism of the ranking supervisor who had rated her poor in every significant area of her annual feedback: management, job knowledge, and personal discipline.
Fighting back the tears, she told me that in her 20 years in the Air Force no one had ever given her "feedback" like this. Then she asked her question, "What do you think, chaplain?"
"Shelly says that with a "tough hide and a sensitive heart" you can wisely asses your critic. For instance, is your critic truly well-intentioned? Is she a person of integrity? Is your critic self-aware enough to understand the issue and accept his share of the responsibility or blame? If the answer is yes, then he or she must be taken more seriously".
Spirituality: You're not always right - but neither are your critics. I totally agree with this notion. How many times do you see people so rigid in their beliefs that they are "deaf"?
" The sergeant sat in my office, crumpled under the criticism of the ranking supervisor who had rated her poor in every significant area of her annual feedback: management, job knowledge, and personal discipline.
Fighting back the tears, she told me that in her 20 years in the Air Force no one had ever given her "feedback" like this. Then she asked her question, "What do you think, chaplain?"
"Shelly says that with a "tough hide and a sensitive heart" you can wisely asses your critic. For instance, is your critic truly well-intentioned? Is she a person of integrity? Is your critic self-aware enough to understand the issue and accept his share of the responsibility or blame? If the answer is yes, then he or she must be taken more seriously".
Spirituality: You're not always right - but neither are your critics. I totally agree with this notion. How many times do you see people so rigid in their beliefs that they are "deaf"?
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